Hjgk Driver

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Click on the Blue, underlined web links

Letters From Classmates
Communications and photos received
(updated Oct. 3rd, 2017 with
email from Martin Horsted)

Ex-driver's claim: F1 peak promise shattered Lewis Hamilton's plan: 'Pushed himself into a bathtub that didn't fit' 2021-01-12T16:10:37.213Z Where is Lewis Hamilton's follow-up agreement? Nobody liked her or cheered for her in this sub, not at all. They also hated Jorge, too. The reason why Anfisa is getting a pass 'after the fact', is because she did get slapped down quite a bit but also started making positive changes in her life.

Class of 1961 List
A listing of all the members of the class of 1961. Even ones who didn't graduate.
(updated 3-18-20)

Class of 1961 deceased member list
Contact us if you have information on any class members or if you are deceased.
(updated 3-18-20)

Recently Deceased Class Members
Stu Dye (2-27-20)
Paul Pederson (2-18-20)
JoAnn Gaige (10-15-2019)
Patricia Lockhart (4-17-2019)
Duane Winsor (2-16-2019)
Scott Reinertson (2-15-19)
Patricia 'Pat' Jensen (2-14-19)
(Updated 3-18-20)

Bonnie Jetty Memorial Story
Dedicated to all the deceased members of the class of 1961. Interspersed with many old photos of the way we were.

(April 2008 - Click here to read email about Bonnie's grandkids)

Class of 1961 Elementary School Stuff
Kindergarten pictures and class list, first grade class list, and other news items from 1948 to 1955.
(Updated 8-22-18)

Your Parent's Graduation Photo
Old Hematites from the late 1920's to mid 1930's

Class of 1961 Brooklyn School Stuff
Pictures and stuff
Growing up in Brooklyn
A story by Jackie Fiori
with pictures

Assumption Hall
Catholic School
Graduation from 8th grade 7-2-57 (Class of 61)

Class of 1961 Junior High Photos
7th, 8th, and 9th Grade
Pictures from the 1950's. Sorry, you can't delete any of them.
(Big update 8/22/18)

Hjg Drescher Futter

Class of 1961 Senior High Photos
10th, 11th, and 12th Grade

(Updated 8/22/18)

The Hi-Times Newspaper
Flip through the pages for the latest news
(All issues 1955-1961)
Senior High Events and Memories
More Great Photos, News clippings and Events

It's Prom Time
And other 'Dress up' Parties

(Updated 8-22-2016)

Ondine -Junior Class Play
November 13, 1959


Senior High Play
October 1960

Diary of Anne Frank
Senior High Play
April 1961

Junior Achievement
A list of all the Junior Achievement
companies, who was in each company and 2 interesting photos

High School Band
Picture from trip to Washington, D.C.
June 1961

Local Rock 'N Roll Groups
Rockets, Renowns, Renegades, Tijuana Trio,
(Updated 3-11-13)

Class of 1961 Graduation seating & program
Remember where you sat for graduation and who sat next to you? Find out here.

Class of 1961 Will
What everyone 'leaves' upon graduating.

(New July 2011)

Senior Personality Poll – May 19, 1961
Best dancer, most flirtatious, best laugh, best figure – see who they are!

Senior Sketches
Each Hi-Times featured a senior boy and girl with best picture and story.

Wedding Engagements
Original Wedding Announcements from some of the 1961 class members.

Hjg Drescher Facebook

Class of 1961 reunion photos from 2001
You can't delete any of these, either.

Class of 1961 reunion photos from 2004
We just got better with age!

Class of 1961 reunion photos from 2006
Check here to see who attended.

Class of 1961 reunion photos from 2014

Hibbing News & History
Click here
TV Report on Hibbing High
3 1/2 minute quick tour from 2013 featuring the auditorium. Click here.

Iron Mining Industry on the range - late 40's. Video Clip.

Robert J. Thiel

12:56am Dec 7

I was reading a bit tonight about Fleetwood Mac- an article in Rolling Stone about Stevie Nicks and Mick Fleetwood by Greil Marcus. Marcus is a San Francisco-born author, social critic and pop culture historian. He himself went to the same high school from which Nicks and Fleetwood graduated. Marcus recalls in an essay a comparison of his high-class high school to our own Hibbing High after he visited in 2007=
'Menlo-Atherton High was a sleek, modern plant: one story, flat roofs, huge banks of windows in every classroom, lawns everywhere, and three parking lots, one reserved strictly for members of the senior class. The school produced Olympic swimmers in the early 60s; a few years later Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks would graduate and, a few years after that, make Fleetwood Mac the biggest band in the world. The school sparkled with suburban money, rock ‘n’ roll cool, surfer swagger, and San Francisco ambition—and compared to Hibbing High School it was a shack. “I know Hibbing,” Harry Truman said in 1947, when he was introduced to Hibbing’s John Galob, the National Commander of Disabled American Veterans. “That’s where the high school has gold door knobs.”
Outside of Washington, D.C., it’s the most impressive public building I’ve ever seen. In aerial photographs, it’s a colossus: four stories, 93 feet high, with wings 180 feet long flying out from a 416-foot front. From the ground it is more than anything a monument to benign authority, a giant hand welcoming the town, all of its generations, into a cave where the treasure is buried, all the knowledge of mankind. It speaks for the community, for its faith in education, not only as a road to success, to wealth and security, reputation and honor, but as a good in itself. This town, the building says, will have the best school in the world.'
An outsider's unjaded view sometimes helps to validate one's own vein opinion of our 'Castle in the Woods'.

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